I held an in-person Coffee & Conversation event with constituents on Tuesday, October 15, from 9-11 a.m. at the East Hempfield Township building in Landisville. I provided an update from Harrisburg and then opened it up for questions from the audience. Nearly 50 constituents attended and some of the topics discussed were:
- Pennsylvania’s emergency response preparation, capabilities, and plans, particularly as they relate to natural disasters.
- Election issues such as “early voting,” voter ID, the Department of State’s process for removing deceased voters from the SURE system, pre-canvassing, and the electoral college.
- Gun control measures such as safe storage requirements.
- Performance based funding for institutions of higher education.
- Eliminating Daylight Savings Time.
- Public transit issues in Lancaster.
- Status update on the Commission on Education and Economic Competitiveness.
- Energy issues such as grid reliability during natural disasters, reopening TMI, the benefits of natural gas and nuclear power, and lithium batteries and their potential impacts.